One of our core values is ayni, a kichwa Principle that translates to reciprocity. This value shapes how we tend to the relationships within our eco-community and land stewardship practices.

Our intention is to integrate educational programming that equips our community of QTBIPOC herbalist and earth stewards with skills, resources and support, to help us weave a tapestry of bioregional herbalism and climate-resilient growing techniques. 

woven support

Our farming practices foster a thriving ecosystem that buffers the impacts of the climate crisis. We are implementing low-tillage practices that prioritize carbon sequestration and regenerating soil health through cover cropping, crop rotation, mulching, composting, limiting annual production and prioritizing native perennials.

thriving ecosystem

Our distribution model is grounded in the practice of shared abundance as an antidote to the scarcity that capitalism thrives on. We ensure our herbs are accessible by implementing sliding-scale prices and supporting mutual-aid projects that work toward collective wellbeing.

shared abundance

guided by lunar rhythms

We grow herbs following a lunar calendar to reframe colonial rigid notions of space and time, into adaptive patterns that are responsive to natural cycles and support our wellness and relationship to the land since time immemorial.

You will find us planting seeds from right after a New Moon up until a Full Moon, as the growing moonlight to invites seeds to wake up from their slumber. The time spent leading up to a New Moon is intended for root work, nourishing our soils, building and repairing infrastructure, resting and dreaming.

Meet the Team

  • Amara Ullauri

    Ecosystem Steward (they/them/elle)

    Amara is an Andean queer and trans student of seeds, pollinators and the moon. They began dreaming up the vision for Ayni back in 2017 as they leaned on plant medicine to support their wellbeing through exhausting farming seasons. They found growing herbs as a healing balm in it self, offering a different pace and awareness that felt more aligned with how they wish to move through this lifetime. Since then, they have been planting theses dream seeds with various collaborations and groundbreaking lessons along the way.

  • khadija khansia

    Community Weaver + Medicine Maker + Land Steward (they/she)

    khadija is a queer gujarati-muslim land tender and community medicine maker. they are committed to supporting people in reconnecting to their ancestral lifeways.

 Contact us.

  • Email for questions: Amara Ullauri,

  • 1989 County Route 11, Hillsdale NY 12529